Youth Advisory Council
The South Ward Environmental Alliance (SWEA) Youth Advisory Council is dedicated to inspiring and empowering South Ward youth to become the next generation of environmental advocates and leaders.
The council operates through four key components designed to provide students with hands-on workplace experience while educating them about the environmental challenges affecting their quality of life.
Joining our Youth Advisory Council provides students with the opportunity to receive;
Community Service Hours Access to Paid Opportunities Leadership Training Environmental Literacy Scholarship Opportunities Civic Engagement
To sign up for our Youth Advisory Council click this

Youth Green Alliance Leadership Academy
This program offers youth ages 10-24 the chance to participate in workshops, classes, and training sessions that focus on climate change, environmental justice, and leadership development. By equipping young people with knowledge and skills, we amplify their voices to ensure Newark thrives as a vibrant, healthy, and sustainable city.
Age-Based Divisions
The Youth Advisory Council is organized into three age groups to provide age-appropriate programming and opportunities:
Junior (Ages 8-11)
Senior (Ages 12-16)
Young Adult (Ages 17-24)

Monthly Meetings

Age-Based Divisions
The SWEA Youth Advisory Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month to plan events, coordinate projects, and engage in discussions about local environmental issues. These meetings foster community involvement and ensure that youth voices remain central to Newark’s environmental justice efforts.
Join us in shaping a healthier, greener future for our community! To register for our monthly youth council meeting, click this link or scan the QR code in the flyer.